martedì 14 dicembre 2010

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Hey Family!

Just wanted tow24 write yo55qs0u, and let yoxj3aelzu knoowwoww, hovqmwiw the degfh14kn8wree pro67elgram I tried o2qikut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degrviee with noj5t8oriz study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mojfmt5velm, I knoelnw yorelu and Dad donw0pubted it at first, but this turned oqkw8jut tok968yi be %100 legit. This o6w9pppog47ht2a2rtunity was given tognmimp me because o4jai94f the proel4vfessiojainal experience and previowixg8us coielhvbvrurse woh5bkkrk I had accumulated.

I'm so4v9 excited mobo8jgc1m and dad, this was a life altering oelgiy9zzppounvrtunity & forib9h9for od7ahelp1nce in my life I todxsrbmn1ou5k advantage ojyrmagf it.

I already have jow0t1g8ubs, that wo5i8uldn't have given me a chance befoc76yre, no9tj3mrtzw they are calling on3y46dff the ho0x858tqcowy6k! This really is a gopozd0hgdsend.

Tell Susan and Co3aw8h4usin Jorskcgey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the os9ov4cmther day.

Again these are the degre9qes they otwffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSfxi3C, MkpvpvdfBA and Phux2yxjk9D, and the number to48 call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them tocyh leave a brief message with their name, the deg8jree they are interested in and their day and evening phoelkne numbers. They will cof092wrd8ntact yotppu soqdyjj2z9oo1f4ahx6n after,

Anyway, much lohbjve, and tell the rest ovbtkf the family I said hellotvu20

Yo2z02ur sohnun5vx8n,


Moivpv7uxm, why do0b4vwq5cn't you6qmqu send this email tokq15z a few oogirua33f yo82fela1ur friends? My prop2dgq8gofessoc5r to2k1j8fn1ld me that if we send ouxnver referrals the schofbelvohpsvil can give us a scho5rlarship.


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